This last Friday I headed into town right after work to attend the exhibition start to the International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Races. Beyond the cold temperatures, it was a lot of fun. Those dogs looked SO happy to be out running and doing what they do best. The race is the largest dog sled race in the lower 48 and the mushers race from Jackson to Park City, Utah over 8 days.
My friends and I got to the race a little early which allowed us time to get hot chocolate, some Pedigree dog goodies (which I mailed home to Rocket) and find a good spot to watch the race. The Jackson stage was the exhibition start where the teams races from Town Square to Snow King Resort. After finding my spot we waited and waited and waited. Finally the race began and here the mushers come, each about 2 minutes apart.
The races were a lot of fun and I loved getting to see the dog sled race.