Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Apartment

Here is a picture of my apartment in Gardiner, MT. I have a great view out the front of the Gardiner River, Bunsen Peak, Sepulcher Mountain and Electric Peak.
The apartment is a 2 bedroom, with a large kitchen, and a washer and dryer.
I am really enjoying living in town, as opposed to inside the park, and especially enjoy getting to cook again.


John Turner said...

How's the fishing in Montana? Maybe this summer I will come visit you.

Mrs. Thielen said...

Hey Lori! We had spring-like weather here in Chicago, too, the past few days. It was SO nice to go outside for a walk in a t-shirt and jeans--not all bundled up in layers of clothing. But, snow showers are moving in tonight, so our brief period of spring is over. Oh well--the spring weather will be here to stay soon enough. :)