Well, apparently it's been awhile since I last posted. I am happy to say that I FINALLY installed internet service into my apartment last week so I should be back up and running with this blog.
This Fall flew by in a blur. In early November I traveled to Denver to visit my company's corporate office. It was a great trip; I learned a lot and made some great contacts. Within days of returning my Papa John passed away unexpectedly. My sister Heather and I quickly made our way to Taft, CA (well, as quickly as you can) and helped my Dad and Linda as much as we could. It was hard saying goodbye to him, but I will cherish the memories I have and am grateful I was able to spend some time in Taft and hear from the locals what a difference he made in their lives. Hot diggity dog! From Taft I returned to Boise for Thanksgiving before making my way back to Montana.
As winter settled in my Dad and brother moved Grandma Rene from Taft, CA to Boise, ID. She is staying in a great assisted living place that's basically right in between my parents and Adam. Although it has been a major adjustment I think she is doing good. I know she enjoys seeing everyone so often and being a part of their day to day lives.
Christmas was spent in Boise. Unfortunately my mother broke her wrist ice skating the day I got there. I spent time helping her as much as I could, chilling with the parents and Rocket and visiting Daxton. I loved having our first Christmas with Grandma Rene!